Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Save the Date

I couldn't resist.

Here are the gorgeous Save the Date's Val created for us!

F I N A L L Y  printed them last night.  200+ Save the Date's to address by, well, tonight.

Marriage class on Thursday.

Heading to Buffalo for the future Mr. and Mrs. Godber engagement party on Friday night.

Musical-church-thing on Sunday in Casper.  Arrive back in Denver late Sunday night.

Boss arrives at 7:30a.m. Monday morning.

My blood pressure is rising as I type this.

When!  Might I ask?  Is there going to be a thing called Engagement Leave of Absence (paid of course) from work?  Hm?


Valerie Koop said...

I know you are over committed and stressed.

Just try what I told you.

It's okay to say no. People understand. I promise ...


P.S. Do NOT quit your job. I know you want to ... ;)

Anonymous said...

hahaha, love this post and Val's comment! You are both so funny!